The episode starts with Bondita writing on blackboard. She says there is some link which I am not getting. A link which if I get then all problem gets solved. She recalls questioning Tupur. She says only Tupur is there from whom I have not got any answer. I should see in her room, maybe I get some clue. Pen falls from her hand. She bends to pick then suddenly she sees someone walking outside the study room. She says who's there? Who's there? She opens the door. She sees no one. She enters in Tupur's room with lamp. Bondita says to herself that thank God, no one is here, maybe Tupur has slept in Thakumaa's room. She searches for clue in room. She gets two tickets of Kolkata to Dhaka. She recalls Somnath saying someone was speaking from Dhaka. She sees some address. Bondita says to herself ticket for Dhaka? And who is Musa whose address has been written here? She comes downstairs. Tupur was also coming from another side. Suddenly a noise was heard. Hearing this Bondita runs on stairs. Tupur sees this by hiding. Tupur goes and closes the door.
Bondita goes upstairs and opens the door and sees Tapur fallen on floor. Bondita says Tapur? She makes Tapur stand and says Tapur, are you ok? Bondita says and what were you doing by standing on chair in midnight? Tell. Tapur fearfully says I ..I was taking out some stuff by climbing on chair and I lost the balance and I fell. Bondita says to herself but what stuff was she taking out by climbing on chair when there is no Almirah nearby? Bondita sees a cloth which was tied like a rope to hang anyone. She picks it and says Tapur what were you going to do? Why were you trying to hang yourself? Tell. Tapur says no Bondita didi, nothing is like that which you are thinking. Why will I do this? Bondita says I am not ediot, Tapur. I am seeing what you are trying to hide. Tell, why were you doing this? There is something big which has broken you and forced you. What is such thing? Tell. See, I am your sister. Bondita cryingly says You can tell me everything, tell, I will help you. Tapur cries and says I ..I..She sees Thakuma signing not to tell anything. Bondita sees Thakuma in mirror. Bondita says to herself What truth Thakumaa is refusing to tell Tapur? And why? This thing is definitely linked with the case of Pati Babu. And I have to know this thing. She brings Thakuma inside and closes the door of room. Thakumaa says to Tapur and says What happened? Are you ok? Bondita cries and says Thakuma, I can't believe you are stopping Tapur from telling truth. Tell me what are you hiding from me. When you signed Tapur not to tell anything, I saw you. Thakumaa says which truth I will hide? When I signed? I heard loud noise and I ran here to see and I even didn't know that you both are here. Bondita holds Tapur's hand and says you tell, Thakumaa signed you to not tell anything, right? Tapur sees Thakuma. Thakumaa stares her. Tapur says no, Bondita didi, I even didn't see Thakumaa. Bondita says lie, why are you lying Tapur? Tell me what is truth? Thakuma says what has happened to you, why are you trying to make her say forcefully which is not true? Bondita says I am not forcing. Bondita gives Thakuma cloth through which Tapur was going to hang herself and says she was going to do suicide. Thakumaa says to Tapur what's this? What has happened to you? Tapur says no, no, Bondita didi, why will I do suicide? My saree has got stuck so I was taking out that by climbing on chair. Thakumaa says oh. Tapur says why you thought like this seeing this cloth? Bondita makes Tapur's face up with her hand and says oh, now say this thing my seeing in my eyes. Thakumaa says what's this, Bondita? See, if you need our help then we are with you but we i.e. me and Tapur can't support you in your madness. She says are you ok,Tapur? Come with me in my room. Thakumaa takes Tapur with her.
Bondita hears opening of door. She comes at stairs. She sees Tupur coming inside home and going from there. She says Tupur. Tupur stops. Bondita says from where are you coming in this midnight? Tupur says I haven't gone anywhere. Bondita says what's in this bag? Tupur says nothing and you act as Barrister in court not in home. Bondita takes the box and sees the lunch box in it. Bondita says for whom you have gone taking this lunch box. Tell. Tupur tries to take it but Bondita doesn't gives. Tupur gets nervous. Tupur says I have taken this for my husband. Bondita gets shocked. Bondita says what? For Jamai Babu? Tupur says yes, it's wife's duty to make husband eat,right? He was sleeping from three days so he must be hungry that's why I have made Aloo poshto, sukto ,etc. and taken for him. He refused that he doesn't want to eat but I insisted him and sat near him and made him eat with my hands. His stomach would have got full so he must be sleeping with peace. Bondita cries and says Tupur, what are talking like mad? Are you in senses? Jamai Babu is not between us now, take care of yourself. He has died. Tupur shouts he hasn't died. He has been killed that's why his soul is wandering. He says to me Tupur, get me justice. When I didn't get how to give him justice, so I take his favourite food by cooking for him. And no one can stop me ,I will make his favourite food and take for him daily. Give me this tiffin. She takes it and goes.
Bondita cries and says what's all this happening? I am not getting anything. Why was Tapur trying to do suicide? And what was she hiding from me? And then why Thakumaa stopped her from saying truth? And then this mad behaviour of Tupur, I am not getting anything. She cries and says how to save Pati Babu. How do I find any proof? She goes inside study room and sits near Aniruddh's pic. She says am I doing wrong by suspecting on my family members? Why I didn't thought about Tupur's pain, why I didn't thought that she has lost her husband? Why I didn't understand that she must be in pain? She must in trauma. Am I doing sin by suspecting her? But what should I do? One side , it's the question of victory of truth, fight of justice and then other side,there are my own people my sisters, Thakumaa on whom I am suspecting. Now I am getting scared,now only you can help me,Pati Babu. She hears Anirudh's voice saying Bondita. She sees Aniruddh in Barrister dress. Aniruddh forwards his hand. Bondita holds it and stands. Aniruddh says you can't give up,Bondita. This time,it's important for you to know that fight of justice is not against any our own or another people, it's against only and only injustice. That's why a piece of cloth is tied on eyes of goddess of law so that if in anyone has to take any tough decision in fight of justice then he would not be able to see whether anyone is our own or other infront of him. Bondita, only one thing is important in decision of justice that is victory of truth over lie. Then whether it's battlefield of Kurukshetra or work land of court, there is only one duty of a warrior i.e. to make truth win. So Barrister Babu Bondita, by erasing all questions and confusions, fulfill the duty of being a barrister. Bondita cries. RTM PLAYS (TUJHME ROSHAN HOGA SURAJ) He makes her wear Barrister robe. Aniruddh says when you wear this black robe, then you are not anyone's wife,daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, Boudi ,you become just Barrister. A truth-exposing Barrister . Aniruddh says Bondita, don't let relations make you weak. Pay attention that relation are not able to weaken your intentions. Only there should be one aim and that is victory of justice, victory of truth. She hugs Anirudh and says Pati Babu, until you are with me,I can't be alone, I can't become weak, I can never lose.
Bondita comes to reality. She wipes her tears. She stands and circles the name of Tapur,Thakumaa and Tupur. She says Pati Babu's talks have put me to think and now I am believing that there is someone, someone our own whom Pati Babu is trying to save and I have to find that someone own and have to take out truth from him. She comes to Anirudh's pic and says Thank you ,Pati Babu.
In morning, Bondita does the aarti of Durga maa and says O Durga maa, give me blessings that I can bring truth out infront of everyone. She gives prasad to Tapur and then to Thakumaa. Bondita says Thakumaa it's not just coincidence that I am fighting this case in Navratri but it's a sign that like always this time also, goodness will win over evilness by destroying it on Dashmi. Thakumaa and Tapur sees each other. Bondita says I have full faith on my Durga maa. Sampoorna is seeing Anirudh and Bondita's pics and says with how much excitement they have got their pics clicked on marriage. Today only someone has given these photos. After seeing all these pics, we are missing Anirudh more. Trilochan says how much he used to fight but if gets away for even two seconds from eyes, how much I used to get upset and now see the cycle of time, now don't know..tears come from Trilochan's eyes. He wipes it and says Sampoorna,hide these photos ,Bondita is coming and if she will see this ,she will get upset. He says children ,hide these photos. They hide the pics under table.
Bondita gives prasad to children. She says you all pray that your Anirudh Dada comes home quickly because Durga maa hears to children quickly, right? Shashwati says I say to Durga maa everyday that don't give us toys now but never snatch our Aniruddh Dada from us. Another boy says Shashwati prays in day and I pray in night everyday to Durga ma that she sends our Barrister Babu to us quickly. Another girl says Bondita didi, take me in court,I will say that our Barrister Babu is very good. Another boy says we will give our every toy and sweets and in return we will bring our Barrister Babu back. Trilochan cries. Bondita says children, I promise you I will bring your Barrister Babu back soon. Children smile. She says ok, go and study now. Children go. She gives prasad to Sampoorna and Trilochan. Trilochan says give it with your hands ,prasad is given not taken. Bondita gives him prasad with her hands. She touches his feet. Trilochan blesses her saying live long ,be married always. She sees pics under table. She cries and picks it. Trilochan says I won't be able to see my daughter-in-law going through this pain. Sampoorna and Trilochan go from there. In pics, Bondita finds Chandrachur's pic as makeup man. Bondita recalls the incident and says this is the same makeup dada who tried to kidnap me. She takes all pics in study room. She sees the pic carefully and says why these eyes are seeming known? Who is this makeup dada? How do I know? She brings family album and matches the pic with Chandrachur's pic. She says this means Jamai Babu came to kidnap me.
Precap will be added later.
Tapur sees someone and runs. Bondita runs behind her disguised as Chandrachur. Tapur goes on bed and starts crying and fearfully says please go,I didn't tell anyone that inspite being the husband of Tupur didi, you used to keep an evil eye over Bondita didi. I kept silent and didn't tell anyone anything. I didn't tell anyone that you attacked me and tried to put a scar on my soul. I was going to die but I, unfortunate, didn't die also. She covers herself with blanket and says I will not tell anyone that Anirudh dada is silent because of me. Bondita sits there shocked.
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